A researcher's journey to Siberia

Tag: architecture

Architecture of Repression

The building at 44 Lenin Avenue was of course originally an educational institution. It became a site of repression (*nods to Foucault*), serving as one of two local headquarter buildings for the OGPU/NKVD from 1922-1944. Structurally, this involved converting the basements (of both buildings, if I’m not mistaken) into a remand or investigative prison (следственная тюрьма), and connecting the two buildings via an underground corridor.

According to the Tomsk Memorial Society, the corridor was used for executions and to transport arrestees, unseen, between the two buildings. The director of the museum at 44 Lenin Avenue, Vasilii Khanevich, has a dream of restoring this corridor and making it part of the museum.

In any case, it’s interesting to think about the architecture of repression, in this case: both in the sense of how easily it was to convert a building from an institution of education to an institution of repression, but also how, architecturally, the worst elements of repression were underground, and hidden from view.

Anyway, below are two pictures from the museum’s website, linked here (along with a discussion of the restoration project).

Map of the ‘Monument Square’ outside 44 Lenin Avenue, showing the underground corridor between the two buildings.








Image of the underground corridor, via the NKVD Remand Prison Museum website

Architecture of V. V. Khabarov

The building at 44 Lenin was designed by V. V. Kharbarov. Khabarov designed many buildings in Tomsk, a handful of which still stand. The buildings are brick. The Sliavianskii Bazar, which stands on the riverbank where the Ushaika meets the Tom’, is no doubt his best-known building. Some of the intricate brickwork on this building is repeated in the 44 Lenin building. In 1891, he received a gold medal directly from the future Tsar Nicholas II for the governor’s residence building, which still stands as the “House of Scholars” near the City Garden. 44 Lenin may have been his last building. Here are some photos I took on my phone of 5 of Khabarov’s buildings that still remain: 1) school at the Alekseevskii Monastery of the Mother of God; 2) Sliavianskii Bazar; 3) building at the children’s hospital complex; 4) 44 Lenin Avenue; 5) the House of Scholars.


The monastery school is the building on the right

The monastery school is the building on the right


Slavianskii Bazar, Khabarov's best-known building

Slavianskii Bazar, Khabarov’s best-known building


At the Children's Hospital

At the Children’s Hospital


44 Lenin Ave, up close

44 Lenin Ave, up close

44 Lenin Ave: plaque recognizing Khabarov

44 Lenin Ave: plaque recognizing Khabarov

House of Scholars

House of Scholars

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